Questioning Assumptions and Uncovering Deeper Truths with SVUDL Student Daniel Garcia

Daniel Garcia, senior at Roberto Cruz Leadership Academy in San Jose, had no idea that a debate team existed until his sophomore year during club sign-ups. In fact, he had thought about starting one himself before that fateful day.

“On a whim, I signed up, hoping for the best. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made, and I quickly fell in love with the challenge and thrill of debating,” said Daniel. “SVUDL has played a huge role in helping me uncover and hone the power of my voice. Before joining, I had plenty of ideas but didn't always know how to defend or communicate them effectively. My first language is Spanish and I would feel embarrassed if I couldn’t pronounce a word. Through debate, I've learned not just how to form and present my arguments, but also how to do so with clarity, conviction, and purpose. It's taught me how to speak intentionally, consider every word I say, and anticipate opposing views so I can respond confidently. This process has made me more self-assured, both in and out of the debate room, and has given me the tools to stand firm in my beliefs and express them with precision even when some syllables fall short.”

SVUDL has given Daniel access to countless new opportunities and connected him with so many inspiring people. He has enjoyed having the chance to meet like-minded students from different schools. He also had the incredible opportunity to network with Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero at SVUDL’s Words To The Wise event, and to attend the Tournament of Champions in Kentucky.

“These opportunities have opened doors and expanded my horizons in ways I never expected. They allowed me to taste the real world outside of debate rounds, and outside of the classroom,” he reflected.

One of his favorite memories from Speech and Debate was losing his first round at the SVUDL Championships in 2023. “While I wasn’t thrilled about losing, I wasn’t upset either. Somehow, I felt motivated. Even though I didn’t win, that experience was liberating—it made me realize that debate was truly my passion. I went home excited to tell my parents about the rounds I lost, and more importantly, I was excited to study harder for the next tournament and track my growth,” he recalled.

“I also remember my first online tournament and my team lost badly. I remember venting to my coach feeling discouraged that we weren’t as good as the ‘professional’ debaters and wondering how we’d ever compete with the best in Kentucky. But my Coach Rachel Zubrin reminded me that the real opponent in every round isn’t the other team—it’s the voice of doubt within us. That night, I went home with a new perspective: I realized that I had what it takes, that I deserved to be there, and that I had a seat at the table,” he remembered.

The college application process has been tough for Daniel. “I sometimes struggle with imposter syndrome. At my small Latino charter school, we don’t have the same resources as bigger schools, so the process has been challenging. But despite all that, I’m grateful for the opportunity to even try. I hope to attend UCLA or USC—I'd love to be near a city and experience the busy, vibrant energy. If the stars align, Columbia University has been my dream school for years. It’s hard to say if I’ll get in, but I’m prepared for whatever comes,” he shared.

Daniel wants to major in political science. His goal is to become an attorney and handle high-stakes cases in corporate law.  “I also want to be a source of inspiration for my community back home. SVUDL has helped me with this process. SVUDL Coach Rachel Zubrin has shared so many words of wisdom as I’ve navigated the challenges and SVUDL CEO Rolland Janairo’s generosity and understanding have meant a lot, and Director of Programming Dr. Burns has connected me with amazing opportunities like IRESOLVE. All these people from SVUDL have shaped me in ways that I’ll carry with me as I apply to college and start this next chapter,” he said.

Daniel recognizes that the skills he’s developed through SVUDL are ones that will stay with him throughout college and into his career. He’ll carry forward the ability to speak intentionally and with conviction. He’ll also stand out In a world where so many voices are competing for attention as he has learned how to use his own voice and to speak with clarity and purpose. Whether in class, in meetings, or in personal conversations, he knows the power of owning his words and standing firm in what he believes.

SVUDL has also taught him the importance of research and self-reflection. He has practiced how to dive deep into the facts, and to understand the nuances that shape his opinions. 

“SVUDL skills of critical thinking and self-examination will be crucial, especially in college, where I’ll be challenged to think outside the box and engage with complex issues. But perhaps one of the most important skills I’ll take with me is the ability to connect with people on a deeper level. Debate has shown me that communication is about more than just exchanging words; it’s about truly listening, empathizing, and finding common ground. I’ll carry this ability to build relationships that go beyond the surface, whether with professors, peers, or future colleagues. In the workforce, where collaboration and networking are key, I know that being able to connect with others authentically will set me apart,” shared Daniel.

What Daniel enjoys most about SVUDL is not solely the competition or the community, but the transformative process it has sparked within him. “Debate has taught me to question my assumptions, uncover deeper truths, and approach every conversation with intellectual humility. It’s not just about winning rounds; it’s about refining my perspective, learning to communicate with intention, and engaging with others in a meaningful way. The connections I’ve made here are rooted in mutual respect and a shared commitment to growth, and SVUDL has shown me that the real power of debate lies not in convincing others, but in using my voice to inspire, challenge, and connect with people on a deeper level. It’s shaped the way I think, speak, and interact with the world—less focused on persuasion, and more on understanding,” he emphasized.

“Diversity of voices builds a more equitable and brighter world by creating a constant dance of friction and harmony, where ideas are tested, refined, and reshaped in the heat of difference. When multiple perspectives come together, they don’t simply coexist—they force each other to evolve. This is where true progress happens. The world isn’t made better by a uniform echo of the same opinions; it’s made better when voices from varied backgrounds challenge each other, confront their biases, and collaborate in ways that push boundaries and spark innovation,” he underscored.  “Diversity disrupts the status quo, rebels and makes space for stories and solutions that have long been overlooked or silenced. It forces us to redefine what we consider ‘truth’ not as a singular, rigid concept, but as a spectrum of experiences and insights. In this way, diversity doesn’t just create fairness—it fuels creativity, empathy, and a deeper sense of shared humanity – all of which SVUDL has proved to me time and time again.”


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