HP and SVUDL Help Students Step Into Their Full Potential

“One of my family’s favorite pastimes is to argue about current affairs and I always enjoyed it, especially when I won an argument. I joined my high school debate team because I thought it was a natural fit for me. I also knew at a young age that I wanted to be a lawyer and thought being on the debate team would help build the necessary skills. I discovered, however, that being on the debate team provided so much more than I could have imagined,” recalled Neysa Fligor, HP’s Division Counsel of Gaming, PC Consumer and Peripherals Business. “Debate allowed me to learn and converse about different topics, form deep friendships with my teammates and advisors, and think quickly on my feet.”

The power of Speech and Debate that Neysa tapped into is similar to how SVUDL helps students uncover and hone the power of their voices, so they can confidently step into their full potential as professional and community leaders.

“Speech and Debate boosted my self-esteem and confidence to speak up and express myself in different settings. I was undaunted by the opportunity to be my school’s valedictorian because Speech and Debate truly prepared me for that moment. I also learned to look at challenges from different perspectives and be more empathetic because as a debater, you sometimes have to argue a position you may not have originally agreed with but through research, you develop a deeper understanding of that position,” she stated.

One of the prime benefits of participating in SVUDL is that students, for the first time, can see themselves not only going to college, but succeeding there. Neysa remembers immediately joining the debate team in college because she knew that as a young black female immigrant from a family with limited resources in the United States, debate would provide the kind of community, access, and skills that she needed to thrive in college and beyond.

She competed in both high school and college and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. In fact, she was one of only a handful of first year law school students selected to be on the Georgetown Law School Mock Trial team, and she attributes it to the skills she learned from her debate team experience.

Analogous to Neysa’s experience, SVUDL students begin to grow as communicators who can captivate and persuade audiences of peers and colleagues. Students become agents of change, thoughtfully considering the issues facing their communities, taking on the responsibility to speak out, and becoming people who bravely stand up for what's right.

“As a practicing lawyer and elected official, the skills I learned from debate continue to pay dividends in my legal, policy and advocacy roles. I know my effectiveness in those roles stems from the skills I learned in Speech and Debate,” she said.

Neysa knows that being part of a Speech and Debate team has benefits that continue throughout life’s different stages and experiences. “Many people believe that Speech and Debate is only useful if you want to be a lawyer. To the contrary, the skills learned from debate are essential regardless of your career path. Speech and Debate prepares you for the classroom, courtroom, and boardroom,” describes Neysa.

SVUDL is preparing diverse, skilled leaders today, and shaping stronger communities for tomorrow — ensuring a future where broader perspectives are reflected and represented at the highest levels of government and industry, and in which people from all sides are able to find common ground. HP naturally aligns with the mission of SVUDL stemming from a core principle upon which HP was founded: HP has always believed and understood that having a diverse workforce makes companies stronger and the world a better place.

“HP appreciates the positive impact Speech and Debate has on young minds and the doors the experience can help open. The HP Way is and continues to be focused on ensuring that how HP supports local communities, builds products and delivers services are all for the betterment of society,” emphasized Neysa. “They discover jobs and industries they didn't know existed. They envision themselves pursuing a career. And they begin to imagine a bigger, bolder future.”

Working with SVUDL, students raise their expectations of what they can achieve — and take steps toward making it happen. “HP is honored to be a sponsor again for the Silicon Valley Urban Debate League and its 2023 Words to the Wise event. HP understands that SVUDL changes lives and the trajectory of many students’ futures. HP is fortunate to have the opportunity to partner with students in the underserved school communities that SVUDL serves. As a black female attorney at HP, I am proud that HP is a sponsor of SVUDL,” reflected Neysa.

By preparing diverse, skilled leaders, we're ensuring a future where broader perspectives are represented at the highest levels of government and industry. And because they’re equipped with empathy and understanding, those future leaders will be able to unite people from all sides with respectful discussion.

Thank you HP for your generous and continued support of SVUDL and Words To The Wise 2023.


“I deserve to be here.” - Kastella Nguyen


Intermedia and SVUDL Shaping the Leaders of Tomorrow