“I now believe the world can change and that anyone can make a difference by speaking up” - Fabiola Diaz Lopez
Before joining SVUDL, Downtown College Prep El Primero senior Fabiola Diaz Lopez struggled to express herself, often stuttering and mumbling, uncertain that her opinions were worth listening to – but through Speech and Debate, she gained immense confidence. This newfound ability allowed her to actively engage in civic matters, including contacting legislators and advocating for issues she’s passionate about in the world.
Fabiola first got involved with SVUDL during her freshman year of high school during distance learning. Her theater teacher encouraged her to join. Initially, she joined the small Speech team and later transitioned to Policy Debate. Her involvement grew as she took on leadership roles in her school’s club, helping it expand significantly, coaching new members, and organizing fundraisers.
Fabiola remembers her first year in debate was during the transition from quarantine. Debates were still fully online. “My team would get together at school on Saturday mornings and do all sorts of shenanigans between rounds. We’d play Mario Kart on the projector, explore the empty school, and terrify our teachers. My first tournament landed on my birthday, and I remember the club quickly decorating the classroom while I was in the bathroom and surprising me with cake! I have countless cherished memories with these people. The bonds I formed and the collective achievements of our team are moments I hold dear,” she recalled.
Fabiola underscored the new opportunities she was given expanded access to through SVUDL. One extraordinary moment was participating in the Mightier collaboration event with Newsweek and NAUDL in NYC. She got the chance to showcase her skills on a national stage.
Fabiola recognizes that SVUDL changed her perspective on her life. “SVUDL transformed my ability to communicate effectively, enabling me to find and refine my voice. It burst the bubble I grew up in, exposing me to a broader world of policies and their impacts. It taught me about the complexities of societal issues and the importance of civic engagement. This expanded perspective has been invaluable, allowing me to see beyond my immediate community and understand the larger implications of decisions and actions,” she reflected.
Unfortunately, this past year has also been hard for Fabiola. She had to pause her participation in Speech and Debate for her mental health, and she believed at that point in time that it might be the end of SVUDL for her.
But that wasn’t the case. “I am grateful for the enduring support and kindness I've received from SVUDL. They never gave up on me and continued to encourage and remind me that they truly care about my well-being and growth outside of debate. I’m deeply grateful for this unwavering support from the community,” she emphasized.
SVUDL instilled in Fabiola a sense of purpose and the ability to advocate for what she believes in. “As the stereotype goes, Gen Z is depressed and hopeless about the world. ‘Doomerism’ as they call it. Participating in SVUDL has helped to challenge my pessimism. I now believe the world can change and that anyone can make a difference by speaking up,” she urged.
Fabiola is grateful to be done with the college application process. “I’m going to college! It still feels unreal. I’ll attend De Anza College in the fall, majoring in Global Studies. I would have never realized my passion for understanding and addressing international issues were it not for SVUDL,” she said. “The skills I’ve gained through my time with SVUDL—critical thinking, effective communication, and the ability to engage in constructive debates—are priceless skills I will carry with me through college and beyond. I know that whatever is next in store for me, I’m ready.”